Hollywood Confirms They're Not Even Trying Anymore With Latest Jennifer Lopez & Owen Wilson Movie Trailer

CoS - Marry Me, the new film starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson.

J. Lo leads the way as Kat Valdez, a pop star set to marry her longtime boyfriend on stage, only to realize moments before that he’s cheating. On an impulse, she picks single dad Charlie Gilbert (Owen Wilson) out of the crowd and marries him instead. In the three-minute trailer, we see the supposedly level-headed dad Gilbert make so many baffling decisions it’s a miracle nobody has called DCFS, while Valdez insists they say stay married for reasons so vague yet firm that they probably require a prescription. Oh, and the pouting! The interminable serious looks! Except for the occasional one-liner from Wilson, there’s hardly a moment of fun to be had in the whole trailer. Check it out below.

1- how the fuck does Owen Wilson keep landing these gigs?

2- what the fuck happened to his superiorly talented brother, Luke Wilson?

3- I know J Lo is hotter than a Canal St. handbag, but enough is enough with greenlighting every single script her idiot agents decide suits her. 

4- how is this going to be in actual theatres and not on Lifetime?

5- Has anybody fallen off as hard as Sarah Silverman? (I know lots of people have. Just work with me here.)

6- Not to nit-pick here, but if Jennifer Lopez's character really found out her husband was cheating, right before her big performance, why wouldn't she just cancel the show? Why go through with it and at the last minute yank Owen Wilson's goofy ass up on stage and ask him to be your husband? 

7 - I miss going to movie theatres in person so much (10 or 11 am matinees were my jam) that I will still probably see this. So stay tuned for a follow up review blog.

p.s.- thanks for coming

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